How to Get Rid of Pimples and Dark Spots
2 min read
Are you having trouble removing dark spots and pimples? Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how to deal with these problems. If you are still unsure, read on to find out more. Dark spots are a common problem for many people, but there are some steps you can take to help avoid them. Listed below are a few ideas. Follow them to improve the health of your skin and reduce the appearance of pimples and dark spots.
First, understand that pimples and dark spots are caused by the same process. Melanin gives our skin its color, so any time the melanin content in our skin is increased, our skin becomes darker. Picking and squeezing pimples can aggravate the problem. If you choose to pop pimples, you’ll be extending the inflammation process. This can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Despite the fact that a cream or lotion contains retinol, a simple application of a vitamin C serum can help improve the look of dark spots caused by pimples. Retinol helps to repair skin-damage and accelerate the growth of new skin. Moreover, if you’re dealing with persistent dark spots, you may want to consider seeing a dermatologist. However, it’s important to follow a proper treatment regimen to make sure you’re getting the best results.
Another effective treatment for pimples and dark spots is turmeric. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and skin-lightening ingredient. A paste of turmeric and lemon juice can be applied to your face or a specific area. After 15 minutes, you should wash it with lukewarm water. A half teaspoon of white toothpaste can also be applied to dark spots on the lips. For the best results, apply the turmeric paste gently to the affected area.
You can also try applying aloe vera gel to your skin. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and can effectively help lighten your dark spots. Applying aloe vera gel on the affected area will also help fade existing ones. A few teaspoons of tomato puree twice a month will also help. This remedy will work wonders if you regularly use it. Remember to follow the instructions carefully and to continue treatment even if you notice the dark spots come back.
As with pimples, hyperpigmentation can also affect other parts of the body. Dark spots that appear after a pimple heal are called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). These marks are often worse than the actual pimples. In some cases, PIH may even lead to scarring. But luckily, most people can get rid of them once they have healed. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid scarring from acne.